8 Insurance Terms You Need to Know in Chinese

Everyone needs insurance. Everyone comes across insurance plans at some point in their life, and if you’re not one of those people who gets insurance...I personally suggest you do. Just in case. As we all encounter the concept of insurance at some point in our lives, it’s good to know the different insurance terms in Chinese - very good if you’re selling insurance and need to liase with Chinese speaking clients, or you want to convince your 80 year old grandmother to buy accident insurance in Chinese. Test your chinese knowledge with this mini quiz on insurance terms, and let us know how you fare! Warning: It isn’t as easy as it seems.

1. 投保人 tóu bǎo rén

Answer: Policyholder

2. 身故赔偿 shēn gù péi cháng

Answer: Death benefit

3. 索赔 suǒ péi

Answer: Claim

4. 责任险 zé rèn xiǎn

Answer: Liability Coverage

5. 鉴价 jiàn jià

Answer: Appraisal

6. 人寿保险投保人  rén shòu bǎo xiǎn tóu bǎo rén

Answer: Life Assured

7. 提名人  tí míng rén

Answer: Nominee

8. 退保价值 tuì bǎo jià zhí

Answer: Surrender Value

Calculate how many you got correct, and give yourself a point for each correct answer!

0-2: You should DEFINITELY improve your chinese skills

3-4: Average, but we don’t wanna stay that way, do we?

5-6: Just need a little room for improvement, then we’re good ;)

7-8: You’re awesome

If you enjoyed this little test, and are looking to improve your overall chinese, or study more insurance terms, download Bluente on the App Store and Google Play! Bluente is the world’s first business chinese app with courses catered to different business subjects and industries. Accelerate your career today and become business fluent with Bluente.

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