老板对你非常满意,对你说:“You’re pretty on the ball.”
你是不是听了以后一头雾水?什么是“On the ball”?
其实“On the ball”是一句夸赞,形容人“机灵,工作能力强”。
“On the ball”用以形容一个人机灵、专注,工作能力强,反应迅速。
The idiom “on the ball” means to be alert, focused, competent in work and able to react to something quickly.
怎么理解“On the ball”呢?这个短语最初用于球类运动中。在大多数情况下,运动员都需要把注意力集中在球上(keep the eye on the ball),随时准备接球或做出反应。引申到职场上,“On the ball”就形容在工作中非常机灵、敏捷和有效率。
A: How is the new assistant?
B: He is amazing. He's really on the ball and never makes any mistakes.
✏️ to stay on top of(something) 掌握、控制,不落后进度或让工作堆积
I've got so much work on at the moment that it's difficult to stay on top of it all.
✏️ to think outside the box 突破思维定式
We encourage everyone to think outside the box to find innovative solutions to our challenges.
✏️ to get the ball rolling 开始做某事
OK, everyone. Let's get the ball rolling. Come and sit down and we'll start the meeting.
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